Early and late effects of radiation in normal tissues and organs: threshold doses for tissue reactions and other non-cancer effects of radiation in a radiation protection context

Draft document: Early and late effects of radiation in normal tissues and organs: threshold doses for tissue reactions and other non-cancer effects of radiation in a radiation protection context
Submitted by Severino C. Michelin, Nuclear Regulatory Authority
Commenting as an individual

Dear colleagues


I would like to make some observations in the Draft Report « Early and late effects of radiation in normal tissues and organs: threshold doses for tissue reactions and other non-cancer effects of radiation in a radiation protection context »


1) The unit used is Gy, mGy or cGy.  I think it is better to use all the time Gy only


2)      in paragraph 1.3.1There is no mention to Autophagy, necrosis and mitotic catastrophe as a mechanism likely to cause cellullar death

3)      Line 1675 reference is UNSCEAR 2008. it is not mentioned  in the references,  I think that the reference is UNSCEAR 2006 ?


4)      Fig 2.3 is too  small


5)      Line 9374 Is USNCEAR 2006 not 2009


I hope that this small contribution will be useful.

Thanks you in advance


Severino Michelin

Nuclear Regulatory Authority

Radiopathology lab.

Buenos Aires  - Argentina

E mail smichelin@arn.gob.ar
